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Happiness at work. Everyone wants it, but not everyone knows how to increase it. To tackle this properly, you first need to know what happiness at work means to you. Using five factors, you can easily get an idea. Are you interested and want to know how to get more happiness from your work? In the blog, we take you through this, and you will find six tips to increase happiness at work. Read on.
What is happiness at work?
Happiness at work is the extent to which a person is satisfied with their work and work-related experiences. It is not just about salary and the position, but also about other factors such as autonomy, commitment, social connections and personal development. Employees who experience happiness at work are generally more motivated, productive and creative than those who don’t. They have a better work-life balance and are sick less often. That is why a positive work environment is essential for your happiness at work. Therefore, being in an environment where you feel appreciated and can be yourself.
At Maandag®, happiness at work is a top priority. Every day, we connect candidates to the right vacancies. We find them a job where they can start working with fresh energy; a job that interests them and keeps them interested. Because: people who enjoy their work, always look forward to Monday, and that’s why we’re called Maandag® (‘Monday’ in English).
How do you measure happiness at work?
There are several factors that affect how happy you are at work. By measuring these factors, you get an idea of where you stand in terms of happiness at work. And you can see where you can make improvements to increase it. Below are five factors you can use to measure your happiness at work:
Satisfaction. How satisfied are you with your work? In general, do you feel positive or negative about your job?
Commitment. How committed are you to your work? Do you feel enthusiastic and motivated to do your work well?
Work-life balance. Do you have a good work-life balance? Do you have enough time for yourself and your personal interests?
Leadership and management. How would you describe the quality of the leadership and management in your workplace? Do you feel supported and valued by your managers?
Development opportunities. Do you have enough opportunities to develop yourself and grow professionally? Do you feel challenged and have the opportunity to learn new skills?
Rate each of the five factors between 0 and 10, and you will soon see how you are actually doing. It is important to note that happiness at work is a subjective concept and that everyone values different things. Above all, put together the factors that you think influence your happiness at work.
How do you create happiness at work?
Happiness at work contributes to overall health, well-being and quality of life. You can therefore probably imagine that it is extremely important to be genuinely happy in your work, especially when you consider that the working Dutch population works for about 40.3 years in their life (Eurostat, 2021). Below you will find some tips to create happiness at work.
Do work that suits you. When you have a job that suits you, you feel motivated and fulfilled. Therefore, look for a job where your talents and skills are used to their full potential.
Set achievable goals. Setting achievable goals contributes to a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, make a list of your goals and work towards them step by step. Also, setting achievable goals helps reduce stress.
Maintain a good work-life balance. A good work-life balance is important for our well-being. Therefore, make sure you leave enough time and energy for your hobbies and social life.
Compliment yourself regularly. It is not only important to compliment others, but also yourself. Therefore, regularly compliment yourself for your achievements and efforts.
Keep developing yourself. Personal growth and development contribute to a sense of fulfilment and happiness. Therefore, keep learning and developing yourself, for example by taking courses or attending workshops.
Seek support from others. Sharing your successes as well as your challenges can contribute to a sense of belonging and happiness at work. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek support from your colleagues, friends or family.
Remember that happiness at work is a personal feeling and can be different for everyone. The important thing is to find what works for you and what really makes you happy in your work.
Look forward to your work!
At Maandag® there is always interesting and challenging work for you, no matter how much experience you have. We are interested in your interests and abilities. Thanks to our personal approach, we find the job that makes you happy at work.